Friday, June 29, 2018


2018/06/22nd we had a PPD session on how to face interview. In this session our madam list down some important points that we want to take care on and before interviews.

Preparations before Interview:

1.Search well about that company

First we wants to search well and get to know about the company well.


2.Prepare to answer common Questions.

Then we want to think about the common questions that might be ask from the interview panel and prepare answers for those questions.
                   Ex:-  Strength and Weakness of us

3.Prepare to ask two Questions.

Now we want to prepare two/ three questions to ask from them but make sure don't ask about the salary and some particular points.


4.Practice with your friend.

Just practice with your friend then only you can reduce your nervous and also can be more moderately face the interview and if you don't like to practice with your friend, you can practice in front of a mirror also.


5.Ready to answer that why you are the most individual to select.

You want to be prepare that why you are the most individual to select among those participants. So show them that you have the passion to do that work.

6.Organize certificates.

You want to make sure that you organised all of your certificates correctly that means keeps the latest certificate which has most valuable for you and your career.
Ex:-    Degree Certificate ---->  A/L Certificate etc

7.Dress Professionally.

We want to make sure that we dress professionally because the outer appearance is the first thing that others will judge you first.

8.Arrive 10 minutes before.

Be punctual and reach the place before 10 minutes and don't be late and also don't go too early.

Preparations after Interview:

1. Shake Hands Strongly

Make sure after finishing the interview you must shake hands and show that you have the confident and strength through the hand shakes.

2. Don't share too much personal things

Don't share too much of personal and private things in interviews.

3.Thank the interviewer

Thank the interview panel after finishing the interview.

4. Back the chair where was it

When you leave the room don't forget to keep the chairs in the same place and also carry the drink bottles with you and don't let them away.



HOW TO FACE AN INTERVIEW? 2018/06/22nd we had a PPD session on how to face interview. In this session our madam list down some important...